Thailand Bank Accounts
To prevent money laundering, Thailand has made opening a bank account without a local, permanent address and a permanent visa almost impossible in Thailand. but, since we’ve introduced almost three hundred clients to our local branch, they’ve gotten permission from Bangkok to allow them to continue. We must provide a Thai citizen to guarantee you […]
Budget for Living in Thailand

What’s a Budget for Expat Living in Thailand? Here’s an example of a most recent handyman bill and the story behind it: The mounting of my sliding carport gate came adrift and needed three welds and my guest bedroom sink was leaking water because its drain and stopper had never been correctly installed and needed […]
Thailand Employment Salaries

What are Thailand Employment Salaries? Most companies oppose the government’s plan to raise the minimum daily wage nationwide to Bt400, US$13, or $300/month, as it will hurt small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), according to the Thai Chamber of Commerce. Chamber chairman Kalin Sarasin said that from the chamber’s discussions with many business operators, it was found that […]
Cheap Alcohol in Thailand

Cheap alcohol in Thailand is one of the country’s great attractions and my personal joys, but The World Health Organisation (WHO) released its “2014 Global report on alcohol and health” on May 12 and Thailand was a standout: not in a good way, either. The average quantity of pure alcohol consumed by each Thai adult, 15+ years, increased […]
Chiang Mai Cost of Living
Chiang Mai Cost of Living An Aussie, Michelle Hammond, writes that living in Chiang Mai saves her $23,994 a year: “Before moving here, I knew Chiang Mai offered low-cost living and that the savings I’d make would mean I’d be in for a nice lifestyle upgrade. But I didn’t realise just how good the value was. Now I’m […]
Work Permits in Thailand
Work Permits in Thailand Getting work permits in Thailand can be really tricky. Seventeen foreigners have been arrested for not having work permits, working illegally following a raid on a condominium in Chiang Mai. The raid, which took place at 12.30am on Friday found 17 Westerners of various nationalities providing online English classes to people in China […]
Chiang Mai’s Best Coffee Shops
Here’s a handy list of Chiang Mai’s Best Coffee Shops. A wide variety of gourmet coffees and excellent locations and environments. Enjoy your coffee! One of Chiang Mai’s Best Coffee Shops is Sweet Gardens, located here. These are the GPS coordinates 18.82920° 99.00616°. It’s on the second ring road towards the north side of town. Easy to […]
Retire in Thailand

If you’d like to retire in Thailand, here are a few ideas to get your started: 1. Subscribe to our free newsletter, Life in Thailand. 2. Download one of the books: How to Retire in Thailand (and Double Your Income), or Making Money in Thailand. 3. Check out our moving to Thailand Concierge Service: we get […]
A Moving to Thailand Letter

Glen Rutherford’s thinking about moving to Thailand. Here’s his ‘moving to Thailand’ letter: I’ve just finished reading two of your e-books: Making Money in Thailand and How to Retire in Thailand and Double Your Income. They offer a fantastic insight into how Thai’s think differently to us. I’m drawn to Thailand because of the friendly attitude that […]
Thailand on $4 A Day

Can you live in Thailand on $4 a day? Can you make it in Thailand on $4 (100 Baht) a day? Well… sort of. Here’s a fun video of a young Brit, Alex Putnam, who’s experimenting with living on the Thai minimum wage. It’s not a lifestyle I’d recommend, but it’s an interesting exercise and it […]
Five Kinds of Thai Women
Here’s a great site for anyone with questions about sex in Thailand. Kaewmala is a Thai lady with a great sense of humor. She’s gone to great trouble to create a useful guide to relationships in Thailand: “I wrote about the evolution of Thai-farang relationship in three phases: “rental wife”, “farang son-in-law” and “post-rental wife” phases, […]
Bring Cash to Thailand

Bring More Cash to Thailand Than You Think You’ll Need! Most of Asia does business in cash and Thailand’s no exception. You’ll need to carry cash with you at all times in Thailand unless you want to use a local debit card. Using foreign cards is very, very expensive and only a last resort. So […]
Thai Festivals 2016–2017

Here are the Thai Festivals for 2016–2017 JANUARY Handmade Umbrella Festival #Chinese New Year FEBRUARY Chiang Mai Flower Festival: The beautiful Chiang Mai Flower Festival will be held from February 3-5, 2017 at Chiang Mai, Thailand. Hosted by the Chiang Mai town in Thailand, the Festival is one of the colourful celebrations across the globe. […]
Money in Thailand’s Booming Economy

Money in Thailand’s Booming Economy is something of a mystery. Thailand takes a libertarian approach to government, so if you’re a close libertarian, this is the place for you. Taxes are negligible and interference with your life is rare. To paraphrase the song, You can drink all the liquor down in Suphodthika: ain’t nobody’s business […]
Thai Street Food Safety
Thai street food safety is not mysterious. Apply this rule of thumb to eating Thai street food and save yourself embarrassment and discomfort: freshly cooked and freshly peeled food only. You’ll notice that Thais always choose their meat from the griddle – not from meat that’s already cooked and removed from the flame – because […]