America in Thailand
Why is America in Thailand? Of course, America has been in Thailand for over a century, but its influence is waning–as it is throughout Asia. Worse, try defending what America is doing in Thailand and you’ll meet a lot of skepticism. Have you seen headlines like this? Thailand Protests–Students Fight to Restore Democracy. Well, those “students” are fighting to weaken […]
Thailand Employment Salaries

What are Thailand Employment Salaries? Most companies oppose the government’s plan to raise the minimum daily wage nationwide to Bt400, US$13, or $300/month, as it will hurt small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), according to the Thai Chamber of Commerce. Chamber chairman Kalin Sarasin said that from the chamber’s discussions with many business operators, it was found that […]
Snakes in Thailand
Snakes in Thailand: Dangerous and Timid Vern Lovic, Thailand’s snake expert, wrote me this explanation of his new book, Keep Snakes Out!: Probably no other animal that is frequently found in a home scares people as much as snakes! Here in Thailand, we have a serious snake problem. Recently my friend confronted a king cobra climbing his front door. […]
Soi Dogs in Thailand
I know about twenty Soi dogs in Thailand (so named because they hang out in alleys, or sois). They’re not well cared for and, if this story moves you, sign the petition to improve their lives. If you’re in Chiang Mai you can volunteer or adopt a dog from Care for Dogs. They do heroic work […]
Chiang Mai Cost of Living
Chiang Mai Cost of Living An Aussie, Michelle Hammond, writes that living in Chiang Mai saves her $23,994 a year: “Before moving here, I knew Chiang Mai offered low-cost living and that the savings I’d make would mean I’d be in for a nice lifestyle upgrade. But I didn’t realise just how good the value was. Now I’m […]
A Traveling Life For Me
Have you ever wondered, “Is there a possible traveling life for me”? Derek Workman did, and his quest for an answer turned into a full-time job. He gets paid to travel and stay in beautiful resorts around the world. I asked Derek if he’d give us a realistic picture of what life is like for […]
Bangkok, Where Pleasure is King
Bangkok, Where Pleasure is King The mood of Bangkok is very special in Southeast Asia. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, for example, is a whirlpool of frustration; a capital in orbit around anti-colonial slogans. Singapore is energetic, engaged in a puritanical revolution; Kuala Lumpur, in Malaya, is easygoing, a capital with Arabian Nights architecture, where […]
British Expat Taxes in Thailand

British Expat Taxes in Thailand are Under Review British expats living in Thailand may be facing taxes they weren’t anticipating. A consultation document from HM Revenue & Customs claims that few countries in the world have such generous expats allowances as Britain and suggests restricting this privilege to those who spend at least 6 months a […]
Transferring Money to Thailand

Before you start transferring money to Thailand, even before you leave home: Beware!… your cable, utility, etc. vendor will tell you that your accounts are cancelled. Don’t believe your vendor! Many accounts I thought were cancelled are not. They just kept billing me – which is really bad if you have auto billing. The rats […]
A Moving to Thailand Letter

Glen Rutherford’s thinking about moving to Thailand. Here’s his ‘moving to Thailand’ letter: I’ve just finished reading two of your e-books: Making Money in Thailand and How to Retire in Thailand and Double Your Income. They offer a fantastic insight into how Thai’s think differently to us. I’m drawn to Thailand because of the friendly attitude that […]
Thailand on $4 A Day

Can you live in Thailand on $4 a day? Can you make it in Thailand on $4 (100 Baht) a day? Well… sort of. Here’s a fun video of a young Brit, Alex Putnam, who’s experimenting with living on the Thai minimum wage. It’s not a lifestyle I’d recommend, but it’s an interesting exercise and it […]
Embassies in Chiang Mai Thailand
Register Online with Your Embassy in Chiang Mai One of the smartest things you can do is to register online with your embassy in case of emergency or overseas crisis. Click Here for Instructions that are specific to your passport country language. Australian Advice Thailand – High Degree of Caution (12th August) British Foreign Travel Advice: Thailand (12th August) Embassy of Ireland 12th Floor, 208 Wireless Road Lumpini, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 […]
Volunteer in Chiang Mai
If you have the urge to volunteer in Chiang Mai, here’s a complete guide to Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand and Burmese opportunities. But before you do, a few words of advice: To enter Thailand with the purpose of doing volunteer work you must have a Non-Immigrant O Visa. Here’s what you’ll need to apply at […]
Making Money In Thailand
What About Making Money in Thailand? A British friend who’s making money in Thailand by managing Chiang Mai’s swankest private hotel told me he’s “a slave to TripAdvisor”: as soon as he wakes he checks TripAdvisor. A bad review can wreck months of hard work. You, too, can be such a slave… May 10, 2016: Several of […]
Lying Cheating and Stealing in Thailand
Is There Lying Cheating and Stealing in Thailand? Lying, cheating and stealing are not confined to Thailand. They’re universal human behaviors and the older I get the less they bother me. But lying, cheating and stealing have a cultural flavor in Thailand that’s worth examining because we’re all going to encounter it sooner or later, […]