Moving Kids to Thailand
Are You Thinking of Moving Kids to Thailand? Cherie Miller visited Thailand last year with the thought of moving her kids here. She says a few words about the kids she meet and observed in Thailand. Watch it here.
Landlords in Thailand
Have You Heard the Thai Saying about Landlords in Thailand? “Thai landlords will suck blood from a turd”. Pungent and, as I learned last week, to the point. A dear friend (not a client) who labored long and hard to make his Thai restaurant a success (#1 on TripAdvisor – hard to pull off) was recently […]
Buying a Condo in Thailand
How Buying A Condo In Thailand Works: Before we get to condos I must mention that you can buy a house but your ownership only lasts 30 years because that’s the legal limit of land leases (the ‘recurring’ lease is legally vulnerable) but that didn’t deter Chris, who skipped the condo stage and went straight for […]
Chiang Mai’s Best Coffee Shops
Here’s a handy list of Chiang Mai’s Best Coffee Shops. A wide variety of gourmet coffees and excellent locations and environments. Enjoy your coffee! One of Chiang Mai’s Best Coffee Shops is Sweet Gardens, located here. These are the GPS coordinates 18.82920° 99.00616°. It’s on the second ring road towards the north side of town. Easy to […]
Adultery in Thailand
Adultery in Thailand: Three Handy tips on Keeping your Penis attached to the rest of you. Wonder no more. Though Thailand has never been a major force in spectator sports, it recently took the coveted Adultery World Cup by a comfortable margin. But if you, silly farang, think you can get away with it, think again: Thai […]
Thailand Travel Insurance
You can typically buy Thailand travel insurance up to 24 hours before your trip. There are three main types of Thailand travel insurance: Foreign medical coverage and Trip cancellation. Lost luggage, kidnapping and pretty much anything else that can go wrong. If you’re concerned about getting hurt abroad or canceling an expensive trip, Thailand travel […]
Bangkok, Where Pleasure is King
Bangkok, Where Pleasure is King The mood of Bangkok is very special in Southeast Asia. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, for example, is a whirlpool of frustration; a capital in orbit around anti-colonial slogans. Singapore is energetic, engaged in a puritanical revolution; Kuala Lumpur, in Malaya, is easygoing, a capital with Arabian Nights architecture, where […]
Thai Tiger Mauls Australian
Thai Tiger Mauls Australian? Duh! An Australian is recovering in a Thai hospital after being mauled by a young male tiger in a special tourist enclosure at an animal park on the resort island of Phuket. Paul Goudie, from Werribee, near Melbourne, was attacked at the enclosure this week at the Tiger Kingdom tourist show […]
Doi Saket Hot Springs, Thailand, Video

Doi Saket Hot Springs, Thailand, Video This is Doi Saket hot springs, my favorite hot springs in all of Thailand. I love it because it’s owned by the (tiny, picturesque) village of Doi Saket and they operate it cooperatively. It’s very rural in its setting and appearance, and the women who do all the work […]
Thai Buddhist Sutras: Karma

Greatest Thai Buddhist Sutras: Karma. The Culakammavibhanga Sutra You want: long life, health, beauty, power, riches, high birth, wisdom? Or even some of these things? They do not appear by chance. It is not someone’s luck that they are healthy, or another’s lack of it that he is stupid. Though it may not be clear to […]
What to Bring to Thailand
What to Bring to Thailand When You Move Bed Linens. Thai linens are pretty awful, for some reason. The towels are bearable, but the sheets are rough and uncomfortable. Even though China makes most of the world’s linens, there are no decent sheets imported to Thailand. So bring your own sheets and remember that Thai Mattress sizes are different from […]
Literacy in Thailand

Why is Literacy in Thailand so Poor? Thailand’s Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC) recently completed a literacy test of Thailand’s third-grade children and found that out of 600,000 3rd grade students, 35,000 – 5 percent – can’t read or write at all. 200,000 others – 1 in every 3 – struggle to read or write […]
Dengue Fever in Thailand?

Is There Really Dengue Fever in Thailand? Though dengue fever is endemic in Thailand, you don’t have to get it. And you don’t have to suffer years of after-effects if you do. Three years ago we had a dengue epidemic and several friends went down with it. Dengue was new to me and I was appalled […]
British Expat Taxes in Thailand

British Expat Taxes in Thailand are Under Review British expats living in Thailand may be facing taxes they weren’t anticipating. A consultation document from HM Revenue & Customs claims that few countries in the world have such generous expats allowances as Britain and suggests restricting this privilege to those who spend at least 6 months a […]
Thai Sex Shows
Thai sex shows 100 years ago: a Humorous Tale with Interesting Pornographic Elements: Thai sex shows 100 years ago arrive long before the influx of GIs during the Vietnam War have revived sex shows, but this kind of entertainment had already emerged as a feature of Bangkok night life by the 1920s. In Sayam Rat, a […]