Our Concierge Service provides clients with a free one-hour lesson in Street Thai. Useful phrases like, “Hello, goodbye, how much, where is, how far?…”

teach english in Thailand

Mastering them makes getting around much easier and delights local people, who are glad you’ve gone to the trouble of learning their language. Most  go on to take a 36-hour, 12-lesson course in the language covering

  1. Introducing yourself and greeting others
  2. Asking and telling the time and date.
  3. Going to the restaurant.
  4. Negotiating prices.
  5. Going to the market.
  6. Asking and giving directions.
  7. Going to the doctor.
  8. Visiting tourist attractions
  9. Cooking and eating Thai food, “What do you call this?”

It’s great fun and, if you’re interested, we can arrange for you to join in. Contact us here..

This just in:  Speak Thai Without Learning it?

The days of miscommunication and misunderstandings between foreigners and Thai speakers could be all but over, thanks to Google. Google’s new Interpreter Mode lets you have a conversation with someone who speaks a different language through the Google Assistant app. The new feature enables a conversation to be translated in real time. To use the feature make sure you have Google Assistant installed on your device. Once installed, open the app and say “Hey Google, be my Thai translator” or “Hey Google, help me speak Thai”. You then speak your phrase and Google Assistant translates not only the audio but also the text in real time. The other person can then speak into your phone to keep the two way conversation going. The feature is also capable of translating a total of different 44 languages.

The Interpreter Mode, which was first announced earlier this year, is now available in the latest version of the Google Assistant app on iOS and Android and is being rolled out to users around the world.

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